Web Sites

Here is a collection of projects that I've worked on.

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While You're Away

This app is made with Word Press for a client who runs a dog walking service. You can book appoinments, create a schedule, pay for services, maintain a profile, and communicate with others.

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Salon Management App

This is an management app using several NPM packages, React, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Ant Design for our UI.

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React Click Game

This is a simple click game made with React, Node, and express. It shows off the basics of React.

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This app uses Google Maps API to grab specific directions and location. The Weather API is used to grab the current weather at Case Western. Along with HTML, CSS, Semantic UI, JS, and JQuery to pull it all together.

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Mongo Headline Scraper

This is an app created to scrape articles from NPR using such NPM packages as express, handlebars, cherrio, mongoose, and axios. I used MongoDB to help store the articles and any notes the user would like to store.

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Burger Database App

This is a burger logger with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and an ORM. This follows the MVC design pattern and uses Node and MySQL to query and route data in the app plus Handlebars to generate the HTML.

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Here I created an Amazon-like storefront with MySQL. The app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store's inventory. As a bonus task, you can track product sales across your store's departments and then provide a summary of the highest-grossing departments in the store.

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Liri Node App

LIRI is a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

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Rock Paper Scissors Game

This game was created using JS and JQuery with information stored in Firebase.

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WomenInTech Trivia

This app uses JS/Jquery using such callback functions as setTimeout().



Name: Maria Maniccia
Email: mariamaniccia@gmail.com
Phone: 216-301-8056